Entrées par Luc Brunot

All Blues n°824

Écouter All Blues n°824 LOUISIANA RED – When My Mama Was Living – When My Mama Was Living – Labor John PRIMER And Bob CORRITORE – Ain’t Nothing You Can Do! – Hold Me In Your Arms – Delta Groove Elvin BISHOP – Elvin Bishop’s Big Fun Trio – Can’t Take No More – Alligator […]

All Blues n°823

Écouter All Blues n°823 MAGIC SLIM & the Teardrops – Don’t Tell Me About Your Troubles – Five Long Years – Wolf John PRIMER And Bob CORRITORE – Ain’t Nothing You Can Do! – Harmonica Boogaloo – Delta Groove Gina SICILIA – Tug Of War – They Never Pay Me – Blu Élan LEANDRO & […]

All Blues n°822

Écouter All Blues n°822 Charlie MUSSELWHITE – Juke Joint Chapel – The Blues Overtook Me – Henrietta Billy PRICE featuring Billy Price Band – Alive And Strange – Makin’ Plans – Nola Blue/Vizztone Ivor S.K. – Montserrat – Don’t Say Goodbye – John McNAMARA – Rollin’ With It – Blind Man – Bahool Micki FREE […]