Maxwell St du 11 Janvier 2022
ALTERED FIVE BLUES BAND-Holler if you hear me-Full moon, half crazy-Blind Pig Records
Guy KING-Joy is comling-Up, up, up-IBF Records
Clarende SPADY-Surrender-K Man-Nola Blue Records
MEMPHISSIPPI SOUNDS-Welcome to the land-Who’s gonna ride-Little Village Foundation
Robert FINLEY-Sharecropper’s son-Make me feel alright-Easy Eye Sound
THE PORKROLL PROJECT-Papa didn’t raise me right-Sentenced to the blues-PRP Music
Joe Louis WALKER-Eclectic electric-Uptown girl blues-Cleopatra Blues
Dionne BENNETT-Sugar hip ya ya-Full time job-Hunnia Records
Elly WININGER-The blues never end-(I wanna be like) Rosie-Earwig Music
Natalia M. KING-Woman mind of my own-Pink houses-Dixiefrog
DION-Stomping ground-Hey diddle diddle-Keeping The Blues Alive Records
Katie HENRY-On my way-Too long-Ruf Records