Maxwell St du 1er Février 2022
Scott ELLISON-There’s something about the night-Half a bottle down-Liberation Hall
Ahmed MOUICI-Une pinte de blues-Je chante-Une Pinte De Blues
Ahmed MOUICI-Tribute to Goldies-Rock me baby-Une Pinte De Blues
EDDIE 9V-Little black flies-Reach into your heart-Ruf Records
Luca GIORDANO-Let’s talk about it-Heart quake blues-Blue Crawfish Records
DION-Stomping ground-My stomping ground-Keeping The Blues Alive Records
THE FREAKY BUDS-Hard days fuzzy nights-Too far gone-Self
Nash ALBERT-Yet-Monkey blues-MIG
Iker PIRIS AND THE DUAL ELECTRAS-Electra-Out of control-El Toro Records
THE EXCITEMENTS-Keepin’ on-We carry a new world in our hearts-Satélite K
REVEREND FREAKCHILD-Supramundane blues-Soul of a man?-Treated And Released Records
CIRCLE OF MUD-Circle Of Mud-Native man-Dixiefrog
THE SUGAR ROOTS-Savage’s life-Something wicked this way comes-Lightning In A Bottle Records