Tellin’you – 06 mai 2021 –
Rozedale-Ghost for you-single-Replica rec.-2021
Sweet Bourbon-The beast-Born a rebel-Bourbon rec.-2020
Sweet Bourbon-Muddy Footprints-Born a rebel-Bourbon rec.-2020
Sweet Bourbon-I asked you a question-Born a rebel-Bourbon rec.-2020
Clarence Spady-If my life was a book-Surrender-Nola blue rec.-2021
Clarence Spady-Segue/Good conversation-Surrender-Nola blue rec.-2021
Steevie Nimmo-Still hungry-Sky won’t fall-Manhanton rec.-2016
King King-Tear it all up-Exile & Grace-Manhanton rec.-2017
Grady Champion-Three into two won’t go-A tribute to ZZ Hill-Malaco rec.-2019
Soul return-In the meantime-Soul return-Dixiefrog/Borderline blues-2018
The Sideshow tragedy-Long time coming-The view from nowhere-Dixiefrog/Borderline blues-2017
Superdownhome-I’m broke-No balls, no blues chips-Dixiefrog-2021
Superdownhome-Kick out the jams-No balls, no blues chips-Dixiefrog-2021
Manu Lanvin and the devil blues-Blues, booze & rock’n’roll-Blues, booze & rock’n’roll-Verycords-2016
Mr Bo Weavil-I don’t wanna be no rebel-As a striving lonesome bull-Dixiefrog/Harmonia mundi-2013
Peter Veleska & blues train-Running like a dog-Grass ain’t greener on the other side-Autoprod.-2020
Popa Chubby-Baby put on your mask-Tinfoil hat-Dixiefrog-2021
Meena Cryle & the Fillmore band-Enough is enough-Tell me-Ruf rec.-2014
No sinner-All woman-Old habits die hard-Provogue/Mascot-2016