Blues Actu Radio : Les albums les plus diffusés en janvier

Voici la liste des disques les plus diffusés sur Blues Actu Radio ainsi que le nombre de passages. Sur le mois de janvier, le podium accueille Guy Verlinde & Tom Eylenbosch suivi par Kaz Hawkins et Tomislav Goluban.

Ce classement vient alimenter l’Airplay du Collectif des Radios Blues (FR) et The Big Blues Chart (US)

Blues Actu Radio : Une radio blues 24h/24

1Guy Verlinde & Tom EylenboschPromised Land Blues142
2Kaz HawkinsComing Home116
3Tomislav Goluban With Crooked Eye TommyNashville Road116
4The Coward BrothersThe Coward Brothers111
5Rod BarthetLe Phare de Infortunes98
6Tommy Castro & The PainkillersCloser To The Bone87
7Greg NagyThe Real You84
8Phillip Michael ScalesLeaning on the Altar84
9Beth HartYou Still Got Me71
10Dean ZuccheroSong For The Sinners69
11Grace Bowers & The Hodge PodgeWine on Venus66
12Colin JamesChasing The Sun65
13Larkin PoeBloom65
14Jeremie AlbinoOur Time In The Sun64
15Nico Wayne ToussaintFrom Clarksdale with Love64
16Robert Jon & the WreckRed Moon Rising64
17Skokiaan Brass BandSkoki Mama64
18Thorbjørn Risager & The Black TornadoHouse of Sticks64
19Walk That WalkRed Devil Lye64
20Ed AlstromFlee Though None Pursue62
21Le BardaPunch & Badass – Vol. 262
22Manon Werner BandWild60
23The Rolling StonesWelcome to Shepherd’s Bush60
24The Devil Makes ThreeSpirits59
25Beans & FatbackHold Fast56
26FreeWorldMore Love53
27Salah Khaili Feat Eric D. LarsenOut of the Blues52
28Julian TaylorPathways51
29Shemekia CopelandBlame It On Eve45
30Travellin BlueCome Hell Or High Water44
31Charlie MusselwhiteStorm Warning43
32Toby LeeHouse on Fire40
33Jeanette BergerDo Your Thing39
34An Díaz & Yokatta BrothersKomorebi in New Orleans38
35Charley CrockettVisions of Dallas38
36GA-20Cryin’ & Pleadin’37
37The War And TreatyCan I Get An Amen37
38Lil’ Red & the RoosterGoodbye Frowns35
39Mojo ManLove & Revolution35
40Warren HaynesMillion Voices Whisper35
41Marc BroussardTime is a Thief34
42Sonny GullageGo Be Free33
43Winter Blues BandTale of a Line Lil’ Boy33
44Benny TurnerBT32
45Phil VermontThis Has Come32
46The CoudougnansThe Coudougnans32
47Iain MatthewsHow Much is Enough31
48Muddy GurdySeven27
49Circle of MudInside the Circle26
50The Soul SeedersHoney26
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