Maxwell St du 17 Mars 2020
Ben RICE & RB STONE-Out of the box-Hey politician-Middle Mountain Music
Albert CASTIGLIA-Wild and free-Let the big dog eat-Gulf Coast Records
Casey HENSLEY-Good as gone-If I pray-Vizztone
Jimmy JOHNSON-Every day of your life-Down in the valley-Delmark Records
Nico DUPORTAL AND THE SPARKS-Dog, saint and sinner-No hate, just pain-Music Box Publishing
Vaneese THOMAS-Down yonder-Last kiss-Segue Records
BACKTRACK BLUES BAND-Your baby has left-Best friend’s grave-Vizztone
Ivy FORD-Harvesting my roots-Not in the right way-Ivy Ford Msuic
BIG CREEK SLIM-Ramblin’ Big Creek-Sorrow and consolation-Gateway Music
Ryan PERRY-High risk, low reward-Homesick-Ruf Records
PHANTOM BLUES BAND-Still cookin’-Stop runnin’-Vizztone
Dudley TAFT-Simple life-Give me a song-Taft Enterprises